Ep. 03-04: Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)

An aged Elvis Presley (Bruce Campbell) is a resident in an East Texas nursing home where he befriends Jack (Ossie Davis), who claims to be President John F. Kennedy. After co-residents of their quiet retirement community start dying of dubiously unnatural causes, Elvis and Jack discover that the perpetrator is Bubba Ho-Tep (Bob Ivy), a murderous, soul-sucking mummy.  

Welcome to the wonderful, weird story-telling of Joe R. Lansdale. Lansdale has been one of Tim’s favorite writers for going on three decades, and there’s no better way to introduce those unaware of his talent than this little indie film directed by Don Coscarelli (Phantasm). Join us as we discuss the phenomenal casting of Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis, the shoestring budget, and the ever-present magic this film possesses. Listen… as Johnny Has the Keys takes you to a nursing home where two American icons–older and slower, but determined—unite to destroy an evil that is feeding on the souls of their helpless neighbors.


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