Ep. 03-03: E.T. (1982)

A gentle alien becomes stranded on Earth and is discovered and befriended by a young boy named Elliott (Henry Thomas). Elliott introduces the alien (dubbed E.T.) to his little sister, Gertie (Drew Barrymore), and the children decide to keep it a secret. Soon, however, E.T. falls ill, resulting in government intervention and a dire situation for the children and the alien.

Welcome to the first of three Steven Spielberg films we’re covering this season. And who wouldn’t want to start with this timeless classic tale of discovery, friendship, and love? Join us as we dig deep into the film’s development and the blossoming of its director’s immense talent. Listen, as Johnny Has the Keys ventures back to the early 1980s and the beautiful story of a little boy and his best friend from another planet.


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